As a member, only you and your guests are permitted to stay at our facilities.
perks & services
Guided tours
Motorcycle rentals
Motorcycle storage
Motorcycle transportation (within Europe)
Garage service area
Various training classes (both on and off the motorbike)
Airport service
Use of our training facilities
VIP access to special events (such as: riding camps, partner/sponsor days)
Access to our private newsletter
Access to photos and videos of your tour
Access to partner discounts
Membership information
Membership requires a 500€ yearly fee, starting from the date of membership.
Membership only grants you permission to stay at our private facilities, any and all services or purchases made by the members and their guests are their responsibility
Membership is by invitation only.
Current members can nominate one new member for consideration per year or when openings become available.
Selection of new members will be done by lottery drawing.
Sorry…but for safety reasons, we are a child and pets free zone.
Do Epic Rides is a Stress Free Zone:
Membership at Do Epic Rides is a privilege. You have chosen to take part in a very special and unique project. For the sake of the other members and ourselves, we will not tolerate behavior that makes others, including our staff members, uncomfortable. We ask that members and their guests respect one another, our staff, the facilities and environment. Members can have their membership revoked if they engage in behavior that puts themselves or others in danger. Stress Free!